Who I Am (2019)
- Co-produced by Nivedhan Singh and Tim Seston
- Songs from original musicals written at Camp Pok-O- MacCready
- Once in a Lifetime (2017)
- The Rock (2018)
- Musicals performed by children 9-16 years old
- Recorded at Concord Academy, Concord, MA
Track Info
1. Who I Am
2. Down to the Water
3. Scissors and a Crayon
4. Zig Zag Hiking Blues
5. Give Me a Problem
6. Aliens Among Us
7. A Little Sunshine
8. Follow Me
9. Nothing To Do
10. Our Way
11. Come Gather Together
12. Problems To Solve
13. Walking Slowly
14. A New Beginning
Listen to music and watch videos on YouTube - Link Below
For background stories, lyrics, and more visit Who I Am on the 2021 website